New Visitors to ARCF Haiti

June 17,2012 ARCF was fortunate to share our organization with educators Ms. Kristen Kushner, of Orlando, Fl. and Mr. David Jessup of Miami, Fl. We first introduced them to our children in Puits Blain, Petionville where they were challenged to a basketball game and jump rope. They were also able to assist the children with their arts and crafts project for the day! We all had a wonderful time and apprreciated the contributions and insightfulness two such enthusiastic and inovative educators brought to the table.

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Exploring Custine, Cavaillon

While visiting Haiti we felt it paramount to make a trip to the southwest area of the island where ARCF has begun The Soveyo Village Project. This was an enlightening experience for our visitors as it is so different from the Port Au Prince area. The rural beauty captivated them as did the friendliness of the people in the villages where we occasionally stopped. In particular, St. Loiuse du Sud where we went for a swim in the ocean and were introduced to some wonderful people and children of the community. Kristen played soccer with them, and in the evening the children sang some lovely songs and shared some stories with us.

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Suburban Excursions

A visit to Haiti would just not be complete without a little fun!! The following day while on our way to Custine, Cavaillon, the opportunity presented itself for us to finish our ride on a "moto". This was great fun and deffinately conveyed a bit of Haiti's unique flavor! We stopped by to say hello to the children attending school in Custine and then proceeded on a walk to the site of The Soveyo Village Project. Once here we all enjoyed some frech coconut water while relaxing at an outdoor pavilion which is for community use.

An excussion to The Jean Wynne Farm in Kenskoff proved to be educational for all of us. It is a fantastic example of how to properly care for the environment through proper gardening technniques, composting, and utililization of recyclables for agricultural projects and craft goods. It is very impressive to see how much they have accomplished!!
