Chez Moi "My House"

houseThe after effects following the earthquake on January 12, 2010 were devastating for Haiti, and consequently so too for the children of ARCF. We suffered the loss of nine of our children, as well as our rental property in Jacmel. With this came the urgency to immediately find a solution. The plans for a future project broke ground.. the construction of a permanent home for our children in the Port-Au-Prince area. With a grant from Cross International and the help of many wonderful people the realization of a well structured boarding home "Chez Moi" was built. The home is located in Puits Blain, Petionville which offers our children access to a public school and other resources nearby.

Additionally the construction of a 30,000 gallon water resevoir was installed on the property. This provides clean drinking water for the children and staff of "Chez Moi".

Much work still remains, but we have in place an amazing beginning and our hopes are rooted
in the smiles and laugher of happy children.

kitchenThe children of "Chez Moi" are enjoying their recreational activities while lunch is being prepared for them in their new kitchen!