Custine Geographic Portrait

Custine Geographic Portrait Custine Geographic Portrait Custine Geographic Portrait Custine Geographic Portrait Custine Geographic Portrait


Custine is a rural area approximately 4 mile north of Cavaillon, Haiti's southwest region surrounded with 11 localities and a population of 14,400 people of whom 5165 are school aged children.

Residents there survive in shacks -or mud huts with fronds as roofs. Huts (of 1 room) typically range from 50 ft long to 35ft wide for families that consist frequently of 5 to 10 members. These huts have no running water, electricity or sanitation facilities.

Previosly the main source of water for the community had been a river called "Rivière Massacre". Unfortunately this same water was also being used by the farmers livestock. Consequently the river was very polluted and unfit for human comsumption, bathing, cooking or washing. It had most certainly been responsible for many serious public health problems, in particular gastrointestinal disease and worms, leading to malnutrition, and death.

ARCF's solution- The Bon Dlo, "Good Water" Project. This project was developed in 2009 in responce to the needs of the local people of Custine. In partnership with One Family International "OFI", and community volunteers we built a deep, clean water well and constructed a 15,000 gallon water resevoir. This now provides safe drinking water to the children of ARCF as well as 1,500 people who reside in the surrounding area.

Greater Custine has 1 grade school and no additional facility. This school has 232 students. It is a Catholic school that charges 2,800 Gourdes equivalent to $70.00 U.S dollars a year, not including books, uniform, shoes or special fees. This fee prohibits the attendance of nearly all the children in the community. Accordingly few can read or write, however voluminous anecdotal experience indicates these children are eager to learn. This problem has resulted in an illiteracy rate of more than 75% of the population.

ARCF's reponse- The Support and Reinforcement of the Communities Program. This provides financial and emotional support to many children who would otherwise not be able to attend school. ARCF maintains a permanent staff of three as well as several volunteers in Custine to directly oversee the program.