Sponsor A child

Many people think that the problem is too large to fix...They wonder how their small contribution can help... Let us show you. You can help make a big difference in the lives of these children by:

Sponsoring a Child
  • A one time gift of $540.00 provides a child with three meals a day for one year.

  • A one-time donation of $310.00 provides a child with school tuition fees, uniforms, shoes, text books, bags and some assistance for one year.

  • A one time gift of $200 can provide a child complete soccer uniforms: jersey’s shorts, socks, shin guards, cleats, water cones, beverages and snacks per child for one year .

You can change the world one child at a time by sponsoring a child. Most children want to feel special. They want to write or send a drawing to someone who cares about them and hang a picture of that special person above their bed.

In addition to providing the basic necessities of food, clothing, education and medical treatment, your sponsorship will provide the most important gift of all to children who have nothing – a sense of family.

As a child sponsor, you will:
  • Get to know your sponsored child through letters and pictures.
  • Receive regular updates about your child’s progress.

For more information Please e-mail us at info@atriskchildren.org