Meet Basic Needs

Thousands of children in Haiti are suffering extreme poverty, and neglect. It can be hard to decide exactly where your money can do the most good.

ARCF pledges that all donated monies are used for the children. No board member receives salary, bonus or per diem. We exist for the children. That's why a donation to At-Risk Children Foundation is a great choice.

Your gift will enable us to respond quickly in areas of greatest need, to help the most vulnerable children and families. Please give generously today to help fund crucial programs like these:

  • Support our operating expenses: We support 110 children
  • Water is one of the most powerful ways to improve the health, hygiene, and well-being of a population $6,800 can build a well in one of the locality in Custine (11 localities with 15,000 people)
  • Help meet the challenge to raise $500,000 to complete the purchase and the construction of "Chez moi" Boarding House
  • ARCF responds to emergencies by providing food, shelter and essential supplies.
  • ARCF's Support and Reinforcement of the Communities Program. Give today and impact the lives of people in desperate need