Miami USA, 2008

ARCF initiated and developed partnerships with American Airlines Miles for Kids in Needs, ALCON Lab, the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute of Miami Florida, and the Colleyville's Lions Club, to fly one-year old Colby Thomas to Miami for eye surgery hoping to save his sight; giving him a chance for a healthy and productive life.

ARCF has developed partnerships with One Family International "OFI", Thomas Peter Mission, and b2DataStream to build a rooftop water catchments system, with a 30,000 gallon water reservoir, in Cape-Rouge mountains/Jacmel The people rejoice.

Similar Project was implemented in 2009 in Custine, a communal section of Cavaillon, Haiti's southern region with OFI, and local organizations: OPAC, AJDEC/Sud. This consists of a deep water well and a 15,000 gallon reservoir. This "Bon Dlo" project is serving our children and more than 4,000 people in the community who declare their boundless support of ARCF