Adult Education

Association des Parents pour le Développement de Custine
 « Association des Parents pour le D veloppement de Custine » (Parents Association for the development of Custine) was recently created by ARCF with the local leaders to help eliminate illiteracy in Custine where 97% of the parents in our program can not read or write. ARCF works collaboratively with Ecole LaJemmerais of Sœur d'Youville of Cavaillon and Homo Sapiens to help the new Adult Education/ Programs Building on the Positive

The fundamental objective of forming the Association is to promote adult education and Alphabetization in all its variety of forms and dimensions and in relationship to the need for healthy growth and development of individuals, communities and societies in Custine/Cavaillon rural areas of Haiti. In this respect, the foundation shall promote literacy and adult education.

ARCF seeks National and International Partner for the programs and Projects in Custine.

Check bellow to designate your gift or pledge where most needed.
  • Education $ 350 provides a two-year Scholarship that give an Adult the gift of Literacy.
  • Child Literacy Help keeps Children from being sent into servitude by suppoting an entire class for $ 480 per month.
  • Train teachers and Community leaders in Participatory approaches to learning and Leadership and Development.

We will begin investing in a Micro-Endowment Initiative to offer the parents in the communities the opportunity to generate funds to build and staff their own Adult Education Schools.